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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What Exactly Is Ignite?

Ignite is an organic product that can improve metabolism, and can help to lose weight.

What Are the Side Effects of Ignite?

Ignite is a plant-based and natural product that has no reported side effects up to date.

Note that: It is recommended that you should consult your doctor or the nearest health care provider before starting new product.

Is it Safe to Use Ignite?

It is easy-to-consume product with the help of natural ingredients.

Note that: It cannot be suitable for people who are under at the age of 18.

How Should I Use Ignite?

The recommended dosage for the dietary formula is to take a full dropper every morning, before breakfast. Let the product sit underneath your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. Or, you can drop the dropper in your favorite milkshake or just a glass of water. Then proceed to drink it as you normally would. Apply  Each Ignite bottle carries 60 ml of liquid product. Ignite must be used regularly in order to observe the best results.

Note: Do not exceed the level of dosage for daily use. Always consult with your doctor before starting new health routine and changing dosage. When you forget to use your daily dose, do not take double-dose.

What Should I Do if I Feel Side Effects in My Body?

Ignite's ingredients only consists of natural content. There has been no reported side effects for Ignite up to date.

However, if you show negative symptoms, consult the nearest health institution or doctor. Have the necessary tests and controls done. Do not continue to use the product unless your doctor says it appropriate.

What Distinguishes Ignite From Other Products?

The fact that the content of the product is completely natural is a feature that distinguishes it from other products.

Where Can I Purchase Ignite?

You can easily make your secure payment by pressing the "Order Now" button.

What Forms of Payment Do You Accept?

Payments are accepted by credit card.

What Is an Estimated Delivery Date?

The estimated delivery date is when your order should arrive. You can basically think that your order should arrive after processing time and carrier transit time.

How Can I Track My Order?

You can check the delivery/shipping of your order on courier company.

How Can I Get Assistance If I Need It?

You can click "Contact Us" button and write email to us.

What Do You Mean by “Risk Free Guarantee”?

That we are giving you a risk-free 60 days money back guarantee.

Even if you are only almost satisfied, and you do not want to use product anymore, send us an email and we will refund every money you paid. No questions asked, no red tape, hassle-free returns.

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